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How Rapid Testing Helps To Test Any Experience

August 7, 2021 |
Testing, UX, UX Design
Rapid Testing

Today’s product teams must collect large amounts of user feedback in order to build delightful and valuable user experiences. Nonetheless, there is a mismatch between the way teams build products and the way they learn from their consumers. Gaining access to customer insights typically takes weeks, and is accomplished through face-to-face interviews or similarly lengthy video recordings. To address this critical issue in product development, we’re happy to announce the Rapid Testing Framework, which enables you to test, learn, and respond more quickly by obtaining user feedback at each and every phase of the design.

Let’s begin by examining why rapid learning is critical for organizational growth and why we require a new approach to product development today.

Why is it Critical To Begin Learning Rapid Testing Quickly And Early?

Over the last two decades, the world of product development has shifted from linear to agile development methods as entrepreneurs adopted the Lean approach to accelerate product delivery. Six-month projects were quickly phased out in favor of shorter, monthly releases as the development process progresses.

By knowing what succeeds and what does not, learning and trying helps teams to alter their trajectory more quickly. Speed is a strategic advantage in the era of growing client expectations.

How Rapid Testing Transforms Your Approach To Development? 

Rapid testing exposes each user-facing service to consumers as it is produced. When rapid testing is integrated into your team’s process, you can quickly test and understand from users while iterating on the ultimate product until it is fully operational for launch. 

Rapid testing alters the approach your team produces products in the following ways:

  • This transforms testing into a team sport
  • Democratizes the use of data within your business
  • Develops institutional expertise

To begin, when rapid testing is included in the product development process, each division becomes responsible to the others. Each individual is accountable for evaluating their project and implementing user feedback into their final product. As a consequence, the entire process is verified from start to finish, with project leaders contributing only verified innovations to the roadmap, designers providing completely validated designs, and advertisers posting validated content. As with a relay event, each sprinter relies on the previous one.

By providing all those in your team with exposure to user interaction and practical learnings, this iterative method avoids your team from developing the incorrect product. Rapid testing facilitates the democratization of data inside businesses by providing access to customer insights to all departments.

Finally, the more frequently you test and get user feedback, the more sophisticated your expertise grows. As a result, teams that swiftly experiment and learn accumulate operational experience as to what succeeds and what does not.

How Should The Rapid Testing Framework be Implemented?

An Iota is the lowest possible value in the Greek number system. Likewise, an IOTA is the simplest significant iteration circuit in the Rapid Testing Framework. The acronym I.O.T.A. is an acronym for Input, Objective, Test, and Analysis. Each IOTA cycle is characterized by the elements listed below:

  • Input: What choice would a team need to undertake that requires testing?
  • Objective: The objective is to determine the measurable metrics to use to validate the choice.
  • Test: What configuration does the team need to capture useful data at scale?
  • Analysis: Was the aim met, or does the team need to conduct another test?


The product development process is comprised of several minor decisions that are dispersed throughout an organization and ultimately result in the final product. Thus, the testing process begins with an input—a necessary decision. User understanding is critical for all of these decisions.

The following is an overview of questions that organizations may use as testing inputs:

  • “Which feature concept should we implement?”
  • “Does this user flow make sense?”
  • “Is the design intuitive?”
  • “Which message best communicates with our audience?”


After establishing the inputs, the objective is defined. This is the critical outcome that must be obtained in order to justify the choice. Prior to beginning testing, it is critical to establish an aim. If the outcomes correspond to the input’s aim, a choice may be taken and the next step can begin.


The test is the configuration required to obtain the data you want. Whether doing a user survey, conducting a customer interview, or conducting a usability test, the third phase of the IOTA cycle is setting up and designing the test.


Finally, the analysis section evaluates the data in order to decide the next actions. If the test findings meet the input’s goals, a choice may be taken and the next step can begin. If not, an iterative cycle is initiated until the target is attained.


Rapid Testing Framework has aided product teams in transitioning from limited, isolated insights to a structure of team-wide training. It has facilitated access to the information and collaboration on learning experience and results for everyone from engineers and designers to brand managers and marketers.

Read More about UX testing softwares here

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