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Tips To Choose A Website Builder for Your Next Project

June 11, 2019 |
Blog, Design, Technology, Web Design
Website Builder

Every business needs a compelling website these days. We come across loads of websites on the internet, some of which we find very attractive, some not so much. A lot of these websites are developed using website builders, which are great assets and expedite the process of designing and developing a website. A website builder is an effective tool to design a corporate website, blog, landing page, an eCommerce portal and a lot more.

A good website builder is easy to understand for even novice web designers. It typically provides templates and features that are based on web design best practices. But, what should you look for in a website builder to zero down on the best one for you? In this article, we will discuss exactly on that. Irrespective of the size of your business, this article will help you choose the best website builder platform for your website.

Set Your Budget

First and foremost, examine and ascertain your affordability. There is a website builder for every pocket. Start by considering the other costs involved in building your professional website. While deciding on the budget, consider the other costs involved as well, like domain registration and hosting. The images and copy for your website will also require some investment.

A lot of website builders offer a free plan, but that has its own limitations. Mostly the services cost somewhere between $5 to $40 a month, for plans that offer features required by businesses. If your budget is limited, you can save money by looking for plans that bundle different website services you need.

Prioritize Your Needs

Every business and website will have different needs. Based on these needs, a suitable website builder can be selected. Before you can decide on the best website builder platform, you need some idea of what you want your website to do and be like. Consider the level of experience you have in designing. Most websites builders are made for people that don’t have much experience with design or website coding. Still, some of them are easier to understand and get used to.

If you’re a newbie and would be starting from scratch, then look for a builder that offers website theme templates and drag-and-drop design options. If you want a lot of options and flexibility in designing your website, then go for a website builder which offers plenty of templates and further flexible editing options.

For instance, if you’re developing an eCommerce website, think if your website will include videos? A photo gallery? A blog? A map that shows where your store is located? Make sure your website builder supports the types of content formats you plan to include.

Also, Make sure the website builder you pick provides responsive website templates or other options to make your website mobile friendly.

Look For Ease Of Use

You don’t want to scratch your head figuring out how to use your website builder. Make sure the builder you select is one which can be easily interpreted. The key thing is ease of use for your comfort and at your skill level.

If you have a background in coding and want customization, you may use slightly advanced tools like the most popular builder – WordPress; you can also buy customizable templates. The templates also vary in ease of use, so choose wisely.

To be fair, almost all independent website builder platforms are easy enough to use. However, the features provided by the builder creates a huge difference. Always go for a feature-rich website builder as it adds to the ease of use.

Consider After Sales Service And Support

A quality website builder will have a solid support and troubleshooting team in place. The team would promptly answer your queries and troubleshoot if anything goes wrong.

Generally, customer service levels vary, based on the pricing plan you choose, but is an important consideration before choosing a website builder.

The support is offered at various levels, email support, priority support via email, chat support, or phone.

Check Out The SEO Features

No matter how good your website is, it’s of no use if people are not able to find you on the web. Once you’re done building your website, you want people to easily find you. Your website should not get lost in the deep sea of countless websites over the web.

For that, you need to implement SEO best practices along with the design of your website. A good website builder should include SEO features that simplify on-site optimization. You must be able to update all the SEO meta elements, on each page, without any hassles, so as to provide your sitemap to the search engines.

On-site optimization is just one part of SEO, but surely a significant one. An SEO feature-rich website builder will help you in successfully implementing your SEO strategy into the design right from the very start.

In nutshell, the best website builder for you is the one which is easy to use, offers plenty of features, meets your specific needs, has a strong support team, and is easy on your pocket. Sounds too much of information? Don’t worry, leave your design requirements to us. Discuss with our design gurus and get your dream website designed cost-effectively.

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