5 Pro Tips To Master The Art of Web Designing

The web designing process is as vast as an ocean. There’s a plethora of design principles and trends that a designer needs to follow while pouring down his creativity in a web design. While it’s never harmful to experiment a bit here and there during the designing process, but it’s good to keep a few tried and tested tricks at the back of your mind. Here are 5 pro tips that will come in handy while designing a visually stunning and user-friendly website.
1. Always Left Align Your Logo
The logo of your brand holds great importance. Therefore, placing it in an appropriate spot on your website becomes a pivotal task. Designers think that centrally placing the logo will ensure that it gets maximum attention as it will become more visible, however, that’s not really the case. Studies have shown that a left aligned logo grabs a lot more attention than a right or center aligned one.
Users tend to start reading a webpage from the top left-hand corner, moving left to the right bottom corner, which means users will focus more on a left aligned logo. A right aligned logo portrays weeker brand image while a centrally aligned logo hinders navigation to the homepage. Moreover, a majority of languages across the world use left to right scripts.
2. Never Use Pure Black for Text or Backgrounds
Colors and Types are very important to enhance the visual appeal of any website and black is one of the most commonly used colors for texts and backgrounds. But, if you’re using pure black color for your text and backgrounds, you’re going down the wrong lane. A study has shown that pure black text and backgrounds with white can cause discomfort for the eye when users read the text over an extended period of time.
White has 100% color brightness and black has 0% color brightness, which leads to a huge disparity in the light levels users see. This is very discomforting for the eyes. Instead of black, use dark gray text on a white background so the change in brightness will not be as drastic.
3. Use Single ‘Full Name’ Field In Your Forms
If your form has two separate fields for First Name and Last Name then you must change it. It’s not necessary that every user will be able to split the name into a first and last name. The cultural aspect comes into picture here. For example, Latin Americans generally have two last names, one from each of their parents, while Chinese people use their family name as their first name and their personal name as their last name.
Bifurcating the name field into two parts can cause confusion among users. Instead, use a single ‘Full Name’ field so that users can enter their name in the manner they pronounce and write it.
4. Always Show Error Messages On The Right
While displaying any kind of error messages, always stick to the right side. The western reading system goes from left to right. When users move their sight from the input message to the error message towards the right, it’s a natural movement of their eyesight and thus takes minimum mental and visual effort.
On the other hand, when the error messages are placed on the left-hand side, it goes against the western reading flow and also breaks the natural reading flow of the user.
5. Use A Ghost Button As A Secondary Button
A Ghost button is a button that has an outline but no solid fill. When used in the right context, they can clarify the priority of an action and increase task efficiency. When two buttons are used together, users think about which button to click. They depend on text labels to come to a decision, however, if visual cues are provided to them, they can decide faster.
A solid button for your main action and a ghost button for your secondary action will accelerate the user’s decision-making.
For more such interesting design tips you can reach our design experts who would be more than happy to discuss your design requirements.