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Mobile App Maintenance: Why Is It So Essential?

November 11, 2017 |
Mobile App Maintenance

The idea of developing a mobile app might pop up anytime, anywhere and within a jiffy. However, developing and releasing the desired app takes a good amount of time, energy, thought process, technology and a bunch of other factors. Most of people think that the job of a developer and owner ends with the release of the app. However, this is a big myth. The real challenge is to ensure that the users come back and engage more on your platform. That’s what demands proper mobile app maintenance after the release.

Let’s say the 2 giants of mobile operating systems, Android and iOS release an update. Would you not update your app in lines with the latest version of these operating systems? Of course, you have to update your application. Moreover, mobile app maintenance is imperative in order to provide convenient service and ever-improving user experience to all the users. Here are a few important reasons to keep a proper mobile app maintenance process?

1. Helps In Keeping Pace With Popular Operating Systems

Both Android and iOS keep updating their OS to introduce new technological advancements. Android has recently launched Android Oreo 8.0 and iOS upgraded their OS to iOS 11 version. A lot of apps that work on the older version of these operating systems don’t run on the latest versions due to compatibility issues. It’s important to maintain your app on the basis of latest OS versions so that the users don’t discard your app due to compatibility issues.

2. Improved Software Libraries

A software library contains codes, configurations, and routines. It is the backbone of any app development process and developers rely heavily on it. A lot of mobile apps these days use third-party libraries that change very quickly and very often. Thus, updating the libraries becomes supercritical. Mobile app maintenance ensures timely updating of these libraries for the smooth functioning of apps. Else your app will be broken.

3. Provides Better UI & UX

The UI of any app should always be up to date and advanced. An impressive interface from yesterday might not get similar attention today. So, we need to continuously update the interface of our app through systematic mobile app maintenance. Similarly, if you want to get more and more audience and top the app ratings, you must provide a smooth user experience. A proper mobile app maintenance process ensures that users get amazing experience thereby resulting in increased traffic and higher ratings.

4. Helps In Overcoming Hardware Issues

The mobile companies are at war with each other and there is cut-throat competition. In a quest to clinch the top slot, mobile companies launch new and updated models every now and then. Your app might not fit in with the latest mobile devices and may become obsolete in absence of a proper mobile app maintenance process.

5. Provides A Monetary Edge

No matter how efficient a developer is or how clear the owner’s vision is, it’s impossible to develop a perfect app. At a certain stage, flaws will come up and will require attention. If you implement mobile app maintenance process and update your app regularly it gives you a financial edge. You can release the app with essential features rather than implementing all the features. This will help you save on the overall initial cost. With a mobile app maintenance process in place, you can keep updating the app and infuse new features periodically.

To conclude, the only thing constant in this world is change itself. The technology world keeps changing and you will constantly bump into the need for updating your app. Moreover, you need to provide the latest and updated version of your app to the users so that they don’t uninstall your app. This is only possible if you maintain your app on a regular basis. Talk to our experts and know how we at NYX Ditech help our clients in not only developing great apps but also match their maintenance requirements.

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