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5 Factors To Consider While Linking A Payment Gateway With Your Mobile App

February 12, 2018 |
Payment Gateway

It’s astonishing how every possible day-to-do activity has shifted to mobiles from everything else. People including you and me cannot simply think about life without our mobile phones. From a task as basic as booking a cab to complex tasks like banking transactions or booking an abroad vacation, everything is taken care of by our little pocket superhero. According to a report, about 40 % of the orders received by business until the end of 2018 will be through mobiles. The impact of mobile apps is increasing every single day. Mobile apps have broadened their horizon in terms of the services that they offer. They have a huge array of services and products to offer, which leads to the need of collecting payments as well. That creates the need for a payment gateway.

Payments is a crucial step in the consumer journey and hence apps should ensure a seamless and advanced payment experience. There are a number of things to be considered before integrating a payment gateway with a mobile app. Here are a few important considerations listed for you.

1. The Integration Process Must Be Simple

The process of integration must be kept as simple as possible. Developer SDKs must be very easy and must take minimal developer time for integration. The updates should also be simple so that the merchants can handle it and that too without any major fuss. Keep the SDKs light so that they don’t eat a lot of space on user’s mobile. Large apps are more prone to get deleted by users. It’s quintessential that the SDKs provide support for your required platform and framework. Select a gateway that offers multi-platform and multi-framework support (like Android, iOS, Cordova, React Native, and Ionic.)

2. Maintain A Consistent UI

The UI offered by the payment gateway cannot be in contrast with your overall brand language. It should merge in and compliment your brand language. The payment process through the payment gateway must be a cake walk without any barriers or friction. Another important aspect to consider here is the total number of steps involved in the payment process. The less the merrier in this case. Prefer payment gateways that offer you customized checkouts that can include your brand logo, image etc.

3. Payment Received Communication

It’s always advisable to send payment confirmation communications through email or SMS to the customers. It boosts the trust of the customer and encourages them to use the payment gateway more often. The payment gateway has a direct and most updated status of the payments, thus they are the best people to send the most accurate status information. So choose a payment gateway that has the facility to send timely communications to customers.

4. Quick Payment Settlement Cycles

Customers are the king and their convenience comes before anything. Thus, quick payment cycles are a must. Moreover, quick payment cycles ensure smooth functioning of the business. A typical settlement ranges between a few days and utmost a week, depending on the size of your business and your business industry. Gather all the information regarding the settlement period from the payment gateway merchant to analyze if it suits your business model.

5. Comprehensive Customer Support

This is one of the key elements which often gets neglected while integrating a payment gateway. Customer support is crucial both during the integration process and handling post-integration payment related queries. A payment gateway must provide effective customer support through various means like chat, email, call etc. for all payment related queries. The support must not be restricted to merchants, but must be extended to the end users as well to address their queries in the shortest span of time.


Integrating with a suitable payment gateway is very important for the success of your business and brand. People drop into a different level of comfort zone when they glide through the overall payment process without any hassles or delays. The above-mentioned points are very handy while selecting a payment gateway for your mobile app. If you want to know more about the same, our experts will be more than happy to assist you.

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