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Effective Ways Of Getting Feedback To Improve User Experience

June 25, 2022 |
Blog, Brand & Identity, Design

When creating a new product or making improvements to an existing one, it is imperative that you have a thorough understanding of the intended audience. Why is it being used? What’s the purpose of it? To put it another way, you must consider the product from the viewpoint of the end consumer. The most efficient method for achieving this objective is to collect information directly from them. User feedback is a crucial component of the product design process and user research in general. Without this direct input, it is impossible for a UX designer to determine what works and what does not for your users.

Best Practices For Obtaining Feedback From Users

#1 Establish Your Goals

Your design approach isn’t going to benefit much from feedback if it isn’t related to your broader company objectives. As a result, consider your goals before starting any sort of feedback process. There are two things you can do to assist you and your team stay on track with this:

Consider the business objectives: Do you have specific goals in mind for this product? Are there any features that are absolutely necessary for this to work? What type of feedback do you need to accomplish your objectives? Is there anything that the correct kind of criticism may help you solve?

Consider the user objectives: What will your product be used for? What is it about your product that makes people want to use it? What are the features that are going to be of the most benefit to the users? When it comes to learning more about your customers, what type of feedback are you looking for?

#2 Share A Survey Link On Social Media

The best way to get client feedback is to connect with them on social media. The survey link may be included in a blog post, Facebook status updates, Tweet, or Instagram post. In order to get more people to participate in the survey, you may use any social media site to share it with your friends and colleagues.

Using social media has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is the response bias. Engaged consumers that opt to complete the survey are often those who wish to express their opinion about your product. 

#3 Incorporate Social Media Competitions Into Your Campaigns

UX design services can obtain more consumer feedback if they have a greater level of customer interaction. When it comes to boosting social media engagement, competitions are a great option. Competitions engage your audience, and then you can ask them to participate in a survey. 

#4 Use Instagram Stories For Feedback

In the past, companies have been reluctant to utilize Instagram since it’s more than just a photo-sharing network. If you want to get feedback on one of the world’s most popular apps, use Stories. In the app, you may ask questions or take a poll.

#5 Utilize A Well-Defined Procedure For Soliciting Input From User

Customers may think of ways to improve your site while they’re using it, but they don’t usually contact your support service for small bugs or annoyances. Instead, they just become annoyed and leave the site. They will only contact you if the issue is significant enough for them to do so. You can’t rely on surveys to find the problem, but they may be able to help. As a result, you must encourage your consumers to provide feedback on the little things. The most convenient time for them to accomplish this is while they’re actually using your app or website. As a user experience designer, how can you capture their thoughts and concerns? A feedback box is a good place to start.

Make it as simple as possible to utilize the feedback box so that everyone may inform you about even the smallest annoyances. To avoid losing a customer, fix each issue before it gets out of hand. Remember that you must respond to each and every piece of feedback. Even if you don’t know exactly what they’re trying to inform you about, respond swiftly and politely.

#6 Monitor Social Media Channels

You’ll learn a lot about your company’s reputation and web user experience designing if you interact with your followers, send them messages, and answer their comments. Having resources available to monitor all channels is a must. This is a useful tool for keeping tabs on industry-relevant trends and events.

#7 Offer An Incentive In Exchange For Feedback

When a consumer has a bad experience, they are more inclined to give a negative review than a favorable one. Offering rewards in return for client feedback is a great way to get more feedback.

Free delivery, future purchase discounts, free samples, and gift cards are all acceptable forms of compensation. If you’re offering an incentive, don’t use it as a chance to upsell your customers. Make sure your tone conveys that this is a real attempt to enhance customer service rather than a bribe.

#8 Request Feedback On The Order Confirmation

After a consumer has made a purchase, the best moment to ask for feedback is just after the transaction is complete. Be sure to ask about their experience surfing your site to discover the desired product and if they were satisfied with the alternatives offered. Ask whether the site has been improved or if there have been any issues.

#9 Establish An Online Community

Creating a forum on your website or social network is straightforward and may generate feedback. Monitoring and moderating are necessary. An important part of the moderator’s job is reacting to both good and negative criticism, beginning conversations, and keeping users on topic. This type of interaction not only improves your business ties with your clients but also generates new ideas and feedback.

#10 Take Feedback On Abandoned Carts

Ask the consumer why they didn’t check out by putting up a popup with a little text box on the page To make it easier for the consumer to respond, you might build a multiple-choice list to explain the reason for cart abandonment.


Collecting feedback from customers is no longer optional in today’s customer-centric society. Your product’s success depends on your ability to maintain a strong relationship with your customers. What you’re doing correctly, what you’re doing incorrectly, and what aspects of your product you need to improve may all be discovered through feedback from your end-users. Contact our experts to know more.

Read more about how to use customer infraction to improve your brand’s UX. Here

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