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Best Logo Fonts and How to Choose One for Your Logo

April 16, 2022 |
Logo Design, Technology, UI Design
Logo Fonts

There are a lot of variables to consider when it comes to typefaces and typography in a logo. A lot of time and work is required from both the logo designing professionals and the entrepreneurs at this crucial stage of the design process. Essentially, the logo fonts you pick for your brand identification design, as well as the primary typeface you select, will be critical in capturing the consumer’s attention.

Design components like colors, typefaces, and typography have the power to create or destroy a logo’s success. If the typeface used by a logo designing agency doesn’t match the color theme, structure, or symbolize the company’s ideals, then the audience may be unsure of what they’re viewing. Most consumers are unlikely to be enthralled or enthused by the brand if they cannot decipher what it stands for.

Types of Logo Fonts

For the most part, there are four sorts of typefaces available. Each font type employed by logo designing services has distinct features that contribute to the communication of a brand’s personality.

#1 Serif Logo Fonts

Serif typefaces are a time-honored classic that exudes style and refinement. Logo fonts with a serif typeface provide a sense of timelessness and heritage. Serif typefaces are used in the logos of luxury brands such as Rolex, Mercedes-Benz, and Prada.

#2 Sans Serif Logo Fonts

Sans serif fonts, which are easy to read and modern, work well with a variety of formats and styles. Best logo designers make use of this typeface if you want to create logos that are simple and clear. The clear readability of sans serif fonts makes them popular with tech giants. Since they’re so simple, they’re quite potent. Examples of this include the logos for Google and Netflix.

#3 Script or cursive logo fonts

Cursive typefaces have a formal, beautiful, and feminine feel to them. However, keep in mind that logo scaling might have a negative impact on readability. It is best to keep logos in this typeface simple so that they are readable. These fonts have a lively spirit, but they aren’t appropriate for all businesses. Ensure that the script font chosen by your graphic designers for the logo should be consistent with the image you want to project. The logos of Hallmark, Ray-Ban and Virgin fall within this group.

#4 Display logo fonts

Many companies want to develop their own typeface to distinguish themselves apart. Display or artistic typefaces exist in a variety of styles and are one-of-a-kind. A distinctive typeface for your logo may help you stand out from the competition and connect with your target market. The greatest example of a display or aesthetic logo is Walt Disney’s trademark logo.

Choosing the Correct Font for Your Logo: Some Guidelines

Understand the Symbolism of Different Fonts

Typefaces, like colors, have a symbolic value and can elicit strong emotional reactions in viewers. Prior to selecting type and font, you must determine what your audience will think and feel when they view your logo.

Several logos in the transportation and electronics sectors, for example, employ Sans Serif because of its sleek and futuristic design. Stability, strength, and advancement are conveyed by its use. Sans Serif fonts have been used by some of the world’s most well-known businesses, including Panasonic, Toyota, and Microsoft.

Should Be Appropriate

Choosing a typeface that is suited for your brand’s message and values is essential. Let’s look at it like this: If your firm is in finance or health, a quirky, decorative, or lavish typeface may be inappropriate and may wind up distracting your customers. A Serif typeface is likely to be the best choice for a logo for a business in this industry. When it comes to choosing a typeface for a certain industry, you’ll need to conduct research and examine your competitors’ offerings.

There is no need to avoid experimenting or employing unconventional typefaces in your logo design. However, you must exercise caution in selecting a logo that can be related to your company for the long term without confusing or impressing potential clients.

For example, if you own a firm like Walt Disney, you may use a playful and youthful typeface in your logo.

Keep It Simple

When choosing a typeface, you must ensure that the audience can clearly read it and understand what it is saying. It’s possible that your message will be misunderstood if the typefaces are congested. Using a bespoke or distinctive typeface is a great approach to differentiate your business, but don’t go overboard.

Consider two well-known companies: Coca-Cola and IBM. While the beverage company’s wordmark features a flowing script that is distinctive to the brand, IBM chose a simple, solid typeface. The creators of these logos had to be extremely careful to avoid distracting the viewer’s attention from the brand’s core message by not utilizing too many different fonts and typefaces.

Typeface Combination 

You may successfully match two distinct typefaces in your logo. When designing a brand identity, it’s best to keep things simple and avoid going over the top. If your logo merely contains the company name and no tagline or motto, you can use your primary typeface.

However, you can use a combination of typefaces and fonts like Serif with Sans Serif or Slab Serif if there are any taglines. It might be a successful blend of modern and classic elements that enhances the logo’s attractiveness. KFC had its famous motto in a pleasant display font alongside the company’s letters in Serif typeface.

Check the Scalability 

A logo’s typeface should be scalable to ensure that it is easily readable no matter where it is used. Branding will be hampered if the typeface doesn’t have the same impact across print and digital platforms and products like clothing, bags, and stationery.

The typeface used for your logo should be scalable, otherwise, you may find yourself in a scenario where your audience cannot identify your logo while seeing it on a computer screen or in a magazine. While serif and sans serif fonts function well against a variety of backgrounds, certain script and slab serif styles may lose their attractiveness on curved surfaces or in congested areas.

Investigate Your Competitors

Fonts that appear too similar to other companies in the same industry are a no-no when choosing a logo typeface. Make sure you do comprehensive research. Examine the typefaces and styles that your rivals employ in their logos to see how well they are doing.

While you may use a sans serif logo font like your competitors, it is crucial to choose a distinguishing typeface. There’s no way you want consumers to mistakenly associate your brand with that of your competitor.


When it comes to selecting a font, it might be difficult to know what to look for and how to proceed, but by adopting these practices you can increase your chances of making the appropriate decision. It is possible to avoid frequent blunders and design a logo that is both timeless and instantly recognizable by following basic rules. Contact Us today to evaluate your brand’s logo.

Read more about difference between cheap and expensive logo design here.

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