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4 Brainy Ways To Use Illustrations In UI Design

June 16, 2017 |
Design, UX
Use Illustrations In UI Design

It’s an accepted fact that as human beings we are more attracted towards visuals. Any visual information grabs our eyeballs faster than any other means of communication. Almost 90 percent of all the information that our brain interprets is in form of visuals. Due to this fact, it’s easier to convey information through visuals as compared to a complex and lengthy block of text. Pictures have always been part of a good interface. However, use of illustrations has interestingly increased recently. Illustrations provide a lot of freedom to designers to produce creative effects. Moreover, they have added control on content and technical aspects as well. Here are 3 smart ways to implement illustrations in UI design effectively.

1. Illustrations On Homepage

No matter how brilliant your product may be, it is bound to be a failure if it is poorly packaged. Similarly, people judge your company and the quality of your product by the look and feel of your website. Thus it’s imperative that your website must look stunning and provide an unforgettable experience. That’s why designers take a lot of efforts in order to provide a visual delight to the customers.

This is where homepage illustrations come into the picture. It provides an aesthetic and imaginative touch to the entire website. You can customize your illustrations to strike a personal connect with your customers. This works wonder in terms of creating a strong brand recall.


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2. Onboarding And Tutorial Illustrations

Illustrations provide help using visuals. They provide clarity in messaging by drilling down concepts into very basic visuals. Pictures create a far better impact and accelerate the overall experience. This is what makes illustrations so prominent for on-boarding and tutorials.

Onboarding screens propose the key features and benefits of the app to users. Illustrations help in providing context and add clarity in information for the user. This smoothly leads him towards the next step. Illustrations can really help in conveying the core message with the minimum use of copy.

An engaging and interactive onboarding instantly creates interest in user’s mind. It generates eagerness among the users and also creates a sense of happiness. A tutorial is usually a boring manual which can often kill interest among users. Using illustrations is a much better way to engage users during this initial process.


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3. Illustrations On Reward Screens

We all have played video games at some point in time of our life. Be it mobile games, TV video games or any other type of games. Almost every game has a feature of rewarding the player on an achievement of certain criteria. Terms like level unlocked, stage unlocked, power unlocked etc. go hand in hand with these games. But why is rewarding so important? It’s because rewarding provides a human touch to the interface experience. The user feels as if he is interacting with a real human rather than a machine.

It stimulates a positive emotion among the users and they feel more connected. It helps in creating a positive engagement between the users and the app. Users tend to overlook the flaws of your app when they receive a rewarding experience from your side.


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4. Character Illustration

Character Illustrations in simple terms means using a person, animal or cartoon character to illustrate your brand and website. The character can act as a mascot for your brand as well. The best example of character illustration can be cited at Mailchimp. The company uses an appealing chimp as their brand mascot who is present in almost every part of the website. Characters can be used in designing the logos of your brand as well.


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However, Character illustration requires more efforts in order to seize and display the real personality of the character. But we believe it’s worth it as it ensures that your brand stands out distinctively from the crowd.

Illustrations act as a very impressive and imperative way to enhance user experience and create positive engagement. These are some of the best ways to use them. However, it’s not limited to only these 4 ways neither there is any set of rules on how to use them. The soul purpose is to display the desired information in the most basic visual manner so that users can easily interpret it. Talk to our design experts and understand more about the use of illustrations and other design requirements for your business.

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