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7 Essential Elements Every Homepage Must Have

February 26, 2018 |
Web Design
7 Essential Elements Every Homepage Must Have

They say ‘First impression is the last impression’. Well, maybe not the last impression but it surely is the most crucial one. A solid first impression helps people to build faith in you and form positive notions about you. Same is the case with your website. The moment users land on your homepage, they start judging your business and brand. Users only take a few seconds to form an opinion about you and this opinion highly influence their behavior. Thus, it’s very crucial to have an appealing and intuitive homepage to impress the users and make them stay on your website.

There are a few very important elements which are the foundation of a successful homepage and designers must always include them while designing any homepage.

1. Value Proposition

Tell your visitors who you are? What do you do? And Whom do you cater to? right at the very beginning. Until and unless users clearly get answers to these questions, they are not likely to stick around. Besides telling them what you do, also mention how you do it differently. This will help users to distinguish you from your competitors. Be clear and concise. Avoid twisted language or use of phrases which are difficult to understand.


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2. Instinctive Navigation

The majority of users on your website will be new and will not know what is where. Therefore the navigation on the homepage must be so simple that even a newbie can get information that he seeks. At no point in time, users should get stuck or get confused while looking for information. You should also anticipate typical user behavior and place the content and sections based on that. Like if your blog page gets most of the traffic then no point in hiding it somewhere in the footer section. Place it where it gets maximum visibility.


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3. Use Of Videos

The visual appeal of images and videos is far more than words or any other content. While it’s not really mandatory to include videos on your homepage, but it’s a great way to increase user engagement. A video showcasing what you do, your distinctive features, your office, staff etc. can be a huge hit. This interactive way of increasing user engagement can never go wrong especially with the new users.


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4. Social Media Links

Your objective is to grab as many eyeballs as you can and social media is the biggest platform to do so. Well, almost all the websites include social media links on their homepage, but the placement of these links is crucial. Place these links at the most convenient locations and at places where people expect to find them. Connecting to users through social media ensures increased engagement and reach which will surely pump up the business.


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5. Contact Us Section

Ever been in a situation where you try to contact the tech support or customer service executive for something important and not able to find the contact details? Most of us do face this situation some or the other time. Don’t let your customers face a similar situation. Visitors must easily find contact information on the homepage. Most commonly this information is placed at the bottom of the homepage and thus visitors do expect this information right there. The Contact Us section must include an email Id, Phone No., and address at least.

contact us section

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6. Real High-Resolution Images

Get one thing straight – Stock images will never be able to achieve credibility no matter how beautiful and attractive they may be. It’s best to avoid stock images and instead use high-quality real images to increase credibility and user engagement. Use photos of your staff, office setup, and your leaders to create a realistic impression on users. Real human faces can be a great tool to increase user experience.

real high-res images

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7. Services/Features Section

The video and value proposition may give only a highlight about your services and products. However, it is must that detailed information about the services/features/products is provided to users on the homepage itself. This not only help users who are looking for full information right at the start, it also boosts your page ranking.


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When you go out on your first date you ensure that you put your best foot forward. Properly groomed, neat clothes, and etiquettes right in place. You leave no stone unturned to create that perfect first impression. The situation is similar when a new user lands on your homepage. Talk to our design experts and leave nothing behind to create a stunning first impression.

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