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5 Packaging Theme Options Which Can Uplift Your Brand

November 11, 2016 |
Brand & Identity, Design
5 Packaging Theme Options Which Can Uplift Your Brand

Is it the time when your brand is staring at a  DEAD END signage. There is no pulse or zeal left and it seems as if your brand is literally breathing its last. A mere update or changing a few knick knacks here and there would really not serve the purpose. What your brand needs at this point in time is a complete rejuvenation through a fresh package design. It might sound a little off the charts, but it could be your product packaging which is deteriorating your brand down. Even if it is the real reason, you don’t need to sweat. There are plenty of latest, creative and fresh packaging design trends brewing these days. Here are 5 packaging theme options that can help you in reviving your brand and product:

1. Patriotic Packaging

Patriotism is one such emotion which is omnipresent. There is no better emotion to touch upon than patriotism. If your product is marketed in the country that it has been manufactured in, you can proudly use the sentiment in your packaging. Well, that does not necessarily mean wrapping your product in the national flag. There are plenty of other components that could be touched upon. Just be American and celebrate the culture and tradition without being boring. A focus group with deep local routes can be used while planning the design of the package to infuse the real essence of patriotism.

2. Digitally-Themed Packaging

The world has simply digitalised itself to a whole new level. In tandem to digitalisation, our dependence over electronic communications has also increased many folds. No matter if you are from the primitive age of bulky desktops or the Gen-next teen from the tablets, digital components have their own charm. They are undoubtedly extremely intriguing. May be that’s the kind of intrigue your product packaging is just missing.
Also, don’t think that only digital products or products related to technology are apt for a digitally themed packaging. If played appropriately, this packaging design theme can turn the fortune of even a can of juice.

3. Hand-Crafted Packaging

It’s always good to stand out of the league. Companies and brands are combatively computerizing and pre fabricating the product design trends these days. With such a clutter, hand-crafted packaging gives a fresh feel. Hand bottled, hand jarred or hand wrapped product packaging has its own charm which a factory line packaging can never pull off. Besides, it sends out a strong message to your consumers that you really care about the product. It shows your belief in the product that you nurture the design on a personal level.

4. Nostalgic Packaging

Memories….Every day everyone has one little wish to just go back in time and live those good old days. Be it remembering your childhood or recalling the best days when you were a kid. Going nostalgic is a common phenomenon. Many brands have a leverage on their goodwill or simply the fact that they have been in the market for ages. They have seen it all and thus many of the dead brands were brought back to life with the nostalgia factor in mind.
Nostalgic packaging is a very interesting technique which can be used for your products. Wrapping the products in a package that reminds of a particular era will surely hit the nostalgia center of older consumers. It will also strike as something incredibly unique to the young generation.

5. Personalized Packaging

Who doesn’t like Hello Mr. Mathews. How are you? What Can I get for you today? right when you walk into a restaurant. This single gesture of the staff recognizing you on a personal level could be the reason you often visit this place. Everyone loves personalization. A men’s grooming product with Jason embarked right at the top hits the bull’s eye. People love to see their names already on the products. They will be allured instantly to buy the product. This kind of packaging is best suited for gift products.
These are just 5 of the thousands of packaging themes or ideas which can be used to revamp your brand. You don’t need to sit with a sad face and see your brand decaying slowly. There are plenty of creative ideas which can inject new life into your brand. So get up, get a new hairstyle and a detoxifying face pack for your baby (brand) and get rolling. Contact our expert design team today to discuss some fabulous ideas.

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